Research Applications

Research is driven by robust applications that have proven their value to the broad community. They offer sophisticated capabilities and competitive performance, and the are supported directly and/or by the research community.

I have extensive experience using, optimizing, porting, and designing advanced computing systems for research applications spanning diverse domains.

Application Domains


Molecular dynamics and bioinformatics (genomics), including applications such as  GROMACS, AMBER, NAMD, 
Bowtie, and Velvet.

Chemistry and Materials

Quantum chemistry and ab initio molecular dynamics, including applications such as VASP, Gaussian, NWChem, GAMESS, and
Quantum Espresso.


Cosmology, QCD (quantum chromodynamics), and direct numerical simulation of turbulence including applications such as GADGET, MILC, and DNS.

AI Frameworks

Artificial intelligence and machine learning frameworks, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, the Python ecosystem and Anaconda, and NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC) containers.

Data Analytics

Classical statistics and Bayesian methods (causal discovery), including applications such as
Jupyter Notebooks, R, and FGES (Fast Greedy Equivalence Search / The Causal Web).


Scientific and information visualization,
including applications such as VisIt, ParaView, VMD, Plotly, Seaborn, and three.js.

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